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North Fort Cavasos

Top Ten Reasons to Live in Gatesville
While Assigned toNorth Fort Cavasos

10.  Low Cost of Living
  9.  A short, easy drive from town to NFH gate
  8.  Seriously, no traffic!
  7.  Walmart and HEB offer easy shopping options
  6.  Great "mom & pop" businesses
  5.  Awesome locally owned restaurants ("Eat")
  4.  Familiar fast food options
  3.  A quiet, slower pace of life
  2.  Entertainment Options (Events"See & Do")
  1. A welcoming community - We love & respect our soldiers!

North Fort Cavasos is located just outside of the small, friendly town of Gatesville, Texas. Whether you choose to live in Gatesville or just spend time dining and shopping here, you'll find that, as members of the military, you will be welcomed by our community. We have provided, here, some information that will help you if you are considering living in Gatesville while assigned to North Fort Cavasos. We also hope that you'll take time to browse our site and learn more about what else Gatesville has to offer. 

Housing in Gatesville

Gatesville offers rental property including large and small apartment complexes, duplexes, single family residences, cabins, and RV parks.  Some of these can be found through leasing agents and some are offered by individuals. On this page, we attempt to provide an abundance of options for you. We do not charge the landlords for listing on this page, nor do we vet or recommend any of the listed properties. Our hope is that this list will assist you in finding your home in Gatesville during your time at North Fort Cavasos.

1102 Leon 360.540.0584 Four bedroom/two bath home near downtown. Click for Flyer

TX Property Shop (254)-499-7000  2 and 3 bedroom properties, furnished and utilities included. Flyer 

Bartlett Rentals  (254) 216-9633 Two to four bedroom homes for rent

Bob Brown Real Estate  Apartments and new duplexes

Buckner Rentals (254)289-9407  Furnished luxury duplexes offering extra amenities for military

Courtyard Apartments

Gatesville Rentals  We understand military mobilization and our properties include everything in one monthly payment.  Fully furnished houses, High Speed Reliable Internet, lawn care, utilities.  We do not require payment until you get reimbursed.  No application fee for military members.

Jackie Green Rentals Single family residences with 3 bedrooms/2 baths ranging from $850-$1000/month

call (254)865-8960, See video of one of our available listings near North Fort Hood.

Gold Key Real Estate A variety of affordable rentals by a licensed agent

Summers Rentals (254) 624-9354 or (254) 865-6678  Duplexes and single family residences

Tejas Real Estate  Real estate office with a wide variety of properties available for lease​

Tippit Rentals, Inc(254) 216-2345  Newer duplexes    See our Flyer

Pullman Park Apartments  Larger complex with pool

PVM Properties  Canyon Crossing Apartments and Luxury Duplexes

Washburn Rentals - (254) 223-1121 or (254) 216-1424  Click for Flyer New, high end duplexes, fully furnished for military only 2 years old. Serving the Gatesville Golf Course area for over 12 years. We own 38 sides on Surrey Lane, across the road from Gatesville Country Club’s Hole #5, including Greens Private Drive, and multiple properties through out Gatesville, with lots of possibilities.

Watts Lane Duplexes  Click for flyer  New duplexes 3 miles from NFC gate. Option of furnished and/or additional amenities for military, 254.223.2566

Coryell County Real Estate Page on Facebook


RV Parks

Gatesville has a number of RV parks. For information on some of the most popular locations, click HERE and see our RV Park listings under "STAY". You'll also find Hotel and Bed & Breakfast listings on that page.

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